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European Parliament Elections Set For June 2024

European Parliament Elections Set for June 2024

Voting Commences in Certain EU Countries

European Elections: Important Dates to Remember

The European Parliament elections will take place from Thursday, June 6th, 2024, to Sunday, June 9th, 2024. In some EU countries, voting has already begun. The European Parliament is the legislative body of the European Union, and its members are directly elected by citizens of the EU every five years.

The last plenary session of the European Parliament was held from April 22nd, 2024, to April 25th, 2024. The Parliament voted on a number of important issues, including the EU's budget, the climate crisis, and the war in Ukraine.

For more information on the European Parliament elections, please visit the official website. You can also follow the elections on social media, using the hashtag #EP2024.
